What Up!

Hey friends- welcome to HD's blog spot!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Catchin' up with the times.... and I am quite smitten indeed!

We hit it off immediately, as though we had been together for years.  We were the only two in the entire world.  Content- no more searching, or longing for more. So shiny and new. So convenient and accessible. I wondered how I have gone without my other half for so long? I felt empty as I reminisced. Immediately I am overly protective. I never want it hurt. The protective screen shield and case was really for my ease of mind, although I blamed it on style to it.  As I wrote the first text message it was as if time stood still- and everything became clear. My life is complete.Technology suits me.

To my dearest Iphone,
Thank you for making my life better.
I completely adore you.
Thank you for being so user friendly.
I can not live without you.
Thank you for your fabulous touch screen.
I love that you are a Smart (Intelligent) Sexy Phone.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...
I love you....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Breed All His Own...

Every morning on my drive to work I pass many ponds.  In fact my work is surrounded by ponds, ponds full of ducks, ducklings,  5 pelicans, and (the birds that are off of Fly Away Home).  Amongst all the normal animal life that is living in the pond there is this creature....

Is this a Duck?  Is this a Goose?  Is this a duck that was in a dog fight? 
At first I was a bit scared of this thing.  He/she seemed extremely aggressive, full of attitude and unafraid of humans or cars.  In fact my first encounter with "crazy duck" was while I was waiting at a light to turn left.  While I was waiting patiently, Crazy duck walked right up to a car that was in front of me. I was immediately interested because the duck was in the middle of a busy road, showing no fear and no intent of moving out of the way.  I drove away that day worried that Crazy Duck would get hit by a car.  Fortunately he did not because he was at the pond the next day.
I figured everyone needed another look.  His feathers seem ruffled like he was in a animal scuffle, that was my first theory.  But day after day his feathers looked this way.  Why does his feathers not go back to normal.  The more I saw this duck the more I realize that he was a special duck.  Not a fighting duck- a new breed of half duck half goose.  This weird combo of genes has created curly feathers.  This is the first bird to have a curly feather do.  Now everything makes sense.  I now know why this duck is not embarrassed by his appearance- why he doesn't hide from peoples stares.  He will not hide- he is proud to be one-of-a-kind.     A breed all his own. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Be Normal When You Can Be Weird

This is the theme to my day to day life. 

Weird people...

1. have more fun
2. are more creative
3. talk about more interesting topics
4. have cooler friends
5. are more open minded
6. are never bored
7. never give funny looks at others
8. don't believe in TMI
9. are not movie/music snobs
10. try new things

Those are just a few things off the top of my head.  I am sure that I will add to that list.

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